Remember Me
Well, I just got back from seeing Remember Me with a friend. After a long and somewhat trying day I was looking forward to seeing a romance with Robert Pattinson, or Edward as I like to refer to him. It was that and more, however, it was one of the saddest movies I've seen for a while. I was hoping for a happy, no thinking necessary movie. This wasn't that type of movie. I actually don't really know how I even feel about it. I guess I'll have to sleep on it.
One of my favorite parts was the preview. Guess what preview they showed? Eclipse! No surprise there, right? It was so great when the Summit logo came on and the entire audience (which was 95% women) whooped and applauded. I don't know what it is about Twilight, but it brings out the teenager in all women, some men too. I'm not ashamed to admit that I was one of those girls who clapped and sat at the edge of my seat to watch the preview.
If you couldn't tell, and didn't know I'm a Twilight fan. I fell in love with the books and convinced most of my friends who hadn't read them yet that they really needed to. My biggest claim to fame (when it comes to Twilight) is that my parents at one point lived in the sleepy town of Forks. In fact I still have cousins who live there. I tried to go back this winter to visit, but to my disappointment it didn't work out this time. But it will one day.
Needless to say I'm excite to see Eclipse! Who's coming with me?
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