All moved in...

Friday was move in day.  We arrived at our home followed shortly by the movers, then our housing liaison, then the loaner appliances that the Navy loans you for free during your tour.  Everything went smoothly, except, well, me.  The anxiety started nearly as soon as we got to the house.  I started feeling anxious and insecure about my decision, and today was the first day the anxiety has ebbed enough that I was able to eat something.  And if you know me (which you do if you're reading this blog) you'll know that's a long time without food. 

The house was fine.  There are a few things that I've discovered that I'm less than thrilled about, for example living directly behind a farm.  Which by the way I did not realize was there.  The extremely small showers, yes, I obviously saw those, but apparently that didn't deter me (most showers in Italy are about the size of a phone booth).  I love the kitchen, though it is lacking a bit as well (not much counter space), and naturally none of my appliances are dual voltage.  Then there are other things that I'm concerned about, like if/when we have house guests, will they be comfortable?  Will getting up and down the spiral staircase be a problem? 

Patrick even loved the house (because he hadn't actually been inside).  He seems to be very happy with the choice, assuring me that it is a great place and that he likes it.  Most of his energy over the past few days has been spent assuring me that all will be ok, that I'll learn to love the place.  And if I don't we have options.  We aren't locked into the house forever.  Granted if we want to leave before we have orders we will have to give written notice and 6 months notice, oh and we'll have to pay for our own move.  But he has been such an amazing and supportive husband, in fact I don't know what I would do without him.  Especially considering that this is what I wanted, nay insisted on, and now I'm wavering?  What is my problem?!

I'm not really sure where this anxiety and fear is coming from.  Maybe it's that I'm way out of my comfort zone, and it's finally hit me that we're here, and will be for the next three years.  I mean, I'm considering options that aren't even a factor at this point.  My unborn children, house guests, etc.  My stomach has been in knots for the past four days, I was getting shivers all up and down my body, I haven't been sleeping well.  Most days I do have worries and anxieties, but I'm able to manage and cope, not this time.  All I can do is dwell on what's bothering me.

Today has been the best day so far.  I'm starting to feel more like myself.  I drove in with Patrick this morning and have been running errands.  Luckily I was able to have some face time with Nicole, basically my only friend here so far .  But also one of my dearest and sweetest friends in the world, even before coming here (next year we'll have known each other for 10 years, crazy.)  I'm starting to feel a bit better about the decision, and it is really nice to know that we have options.  If I'm not feeling better we can move, we can move closer, we can move to base, whatever.  And I'm sure that if that were to happen I'd start to have anxiety over something else, just please God, don't let it be as bad as the last few days.
