2 Months of Catch up

Goodness sakes I'm behind!  I don't know what happened.  Life with a toddler, I suppose.  I sometimes forget that my biggest fans (my parents) don't have facebook, and therefore don't see a lot of the photos that Patrick or I post.  So before getting into our last trips in Europe to Barcelona and France, I'll do a fast catch up on the couple months in between.  It was pretty fun to look through these pictures.  I can't believe how much Soren has changed in two months.

Here's some from Easter.  I made some homemade (luckily edible) finger paints and we made some Easter crafts.  So far Soren has not been afraid of Santa, a snowman costume, the scary Easter Bunny below, or Mickey (spoiler, we went to Disneyland Paris).  In fact he insists on touching/pulling on the costume/honking noses.  I don't think we got one photo with Soren actually looking at the camera.  The bottom three are from Easter Sunday.

We had our first beach trip with the remaining two couples from our birthing class before everyone took off.  Soren loved picking up handfuls of sand and letting it run out of his hands.  He had sand everywhere!  As I'm writing this we're the only remaining couple from our class here, and we miss our play mates.

Soren got his first kiss.  

And here's some cute random photos.  (Did I mention we have around 20,000 photos on our computer.)

We had a special dinner for Syttende Mai (Norwegian Independence Day.)

