Baby Soren is here!

On Monday January 30, 2012 at 10:11am, our handsome boy, Soren was born.  After nearly 40 hours of labor he finally decided to come out to play.  My labor was long, and completely natural.  There were many times that I wondered whether I could do it, but once I had set my mind to the task at hand I was able to get through each contraction.  Patrick was amazing, and I've never been more in love with him.  His support and love was what got me through.  We also hired a doula (a woman who helps you through birth), and she was fantastic.  Everyone at the hospital was extremely supportive and helpful.  They did their best not to deviate from my birth plan.

Here are a few pictures for those of you without Facebook:

My handsome men!


  1. So so happy for you guys - congrats!! Way to go on the natural birth. We did hypnobabies and had such an awesome birth experience. Soren is adorable - love his name too!

  2. How lovely to find your blog and finally see photos of your precious new son. What a wonderful name you have chosen. As a longtime friend of Grandma Terri, I am pleased to be able to have a glimpse of your lives in Italy. Love and best wishes as the days fly by. K Pearson


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