37 Weeks
Here are a few photos from my 37th week. I'm nearly at 38, and counting down the days. I know that our little one will come when he's ready, and I don't want to rush him by any means, but I'm ready. Maybe not ready for labor, because I'll be honest, I'm a bit nervous about that. However, I feel ready to have my body back, and to have this little guy out. Check back in about a month from now, and we'll see if my tune has changed.
It has been such a beautiful few weeks here. The sun has been shining, there's a slight chill in the air, and the mountain is beautifully snow capped. We get rain every once in a while and the wind can make the day a bit blustery, but it's been a fairly mild winter. Patrick and I stopped on the roadside to take a few photos of Mt. Etna, the bountiful orange trees, and beautiful yellow flowers that litter entire fields with their bright blooms. While I know that I have a large pregnant belly I'm sometimes astounded by pictures of myself, could that really be me?
It has been such a beautiful few weeks here. The sun has been shining, there's a slight chill in the air, and the mountain is beautifully snow capped. We get rain every once in a while and the wind can make the day a bit blustery, but it's been a fairly mild winter. Patrick and I stopped on the roadside to take a few photos of Mt. Etna, the bountiful orange trees, and beautiful yellow flowers that litter entire fields with their bright blooms. While I know that I have a large pregnant belly I'm sometimes astounded by pictures of myself, could that really be me?
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